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"For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in."
Matthew 25:35

Loving the Less Fortunate
Jesus died for all, and we will not disqualify nor rob someone
of such honor of salvation just
because of their lifestyle, or social
rank. Jesus died for ALL.

Local Community
You never know who you can meet in the efforts of building community. May we be reminded that Jesus, The Messiah, was walking outside of the Synagogues reconciling the world to the Father, while the religious rulers were inside the Synagogue praying for a Messiah to come.

If the world refuses to go to a church service, fine, we will bring the church to them. Including in aisle 11 in a grocery store, or the parking lot of your local target.
The anointing that the Holy Spirit has released unto the body of Christ is not limited to four walls, a worship team, or a well structured sermon. It is an unlimited outpouring of His evident love and power.
Bringing the Chruch to
the Streets

Breaking Bread
Jesus did not just go around preaching day, and night. Jesus also ate some good cultural food. He broke bread with those around Him, so shall we follow His example. We break bread, and enjoy some good diverse, homemade food and laughs amongst each other.

Equipping Session
If you have an inclination on how to build Godly Relationship, Evangelize, or Disciple, but want to be equipped with the proper anointed tools before doing so, then this is the place to be.

Enjoyed Journey
Jesus went to a wedding feast and I am sure that he enjoyed the festivities of it. We go to pool lounge, gunball ranges, GoKart tracks, and many more recreational activities. We can serve the Lord and enjoy ourselves, in a Godly way.
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